Visit Italy for a fair comprehensive historical tour, and for the artist in you, France is the country you should be going. If you are in mood for ‘encuentrosespañol’, Spanish encounters, fly to Spain for the love of language. And to churn up the romantic in you, fly to England, the land of Theatre.

Italian visits is always flavoured with archaeology, hence be prepared for a series for blasts from the past with detailed study on Rome and Pompeii. French cultural tours cannot be tailored sans museums and vineyards. Your must visit list should have Musée du Louvre, the Musée Rodin and the Musée d’Orsay. Notre Dame and L’arc de Triumph and La tour d’eiffel too. Spanish encounters could never go wrong without language interactions or even classes. Not many countries have this wonderful combo of language, life and music which strike all the right chords. Romantics pack your bags to Literature England. Bountiful insights into theatrical culture opens a new experience in observation and discipline of a master class community, in the path of Shakespeare and alike.